What is science behind Shield of Captain America?

How shield is indestructible?

What throw ourselves into this sighs I'm Captain America Captain America's shield is one of the most iconic images of comic book history it's undergone several stages and shapes but most know the circular destiny carries in most of the comics in the current movies what makes his shield so special aside from its bulletproof nature is its ability to act like a boomerang well yes but the shield will also return to the thrower after being initially thrown one of the greatest jokes and greatest mysteries of the Captain America character is how this works on the surface it looks impossible but is it is there any science to Captain America's shield well to figure out of caps mighty shield is able to curve in a returning motion in the air we need to find objects in the real world that do this of course

 This brings us to the ever famous boomerang is basically two wooden wings stuck together and when thrown a certain way it will spin through the air a certain distance and then return to the thrower seems magical in fact many many people have described it as such but it's not magic propelling this thing it's physics first off a boomerang needs to be aerodynamic we see that here again it's basically two wooden wings and these wings are very important a wing of a boomerang needs to have a certain slant to it that allows for more lip lift in this sense basically means the same as when an airplane wing means the wing is built so that as it moves more air passes quicker under the wing and therefore creates a sort of air wave that the wing surfs on lifting it into the air and carrying it further both sides of the boomerang do this now that isn't all boomerang needs to work its magic the boomerang is also built to have a gyroscopic effect that may sound complicated but once I break it down for you I think you'll get the hang of it basically the gyroscopic effect makes it so that an object's axis of rotation can shift to give an axis of rotation in the same sense as the center of gravity of an object like with a wheel for example on bunch of cones cars etc wheels are held from the tip top of the wheel are obviously also being held down by the bottom round on the touchpad seen here this makes the axis of rotation of the wheel very physically uniform as it has no other way to go due to the forces being exerted on to it perhaps a better explanation is on this webpage which is more in-depth.

You can also check out if you want to understand more this example here is pretty much perfect the earth rotates in a fairly uniform fashion but if we were to put giant thrusters on the sides of the earth but still spin it the way it normally does we may actually change the axis of rotation without anything to hold the earth bound like a car bike or wheel the rotation will quite frankly shift much like Earth on a boomerang like device these forces aren't being exerted onto it the boomerang has nothing to hold it down and it has sides that are in some sense making the air around that change its axis of rotation we listen to hold it back a boomerang will eventually shift its axis of rotation enough to cause it to reverse this is caused by in a nutshell a reversal of momentum see the top of the boomerang is thrown to constantly spin the direction it was thrown while the bottom will spin the opposite direction the top comes to get more lift this way and thus carries the boomerang further however because of the way it's built

         it will kill just enough to reverse its momentum and dust the boomerang returns to the thrower now if we look at America's shield clearly nothing like that is present on it the shield isn't built to be aerodynamic it doesn't have anything to uniformly change its axis or rotation nothing or does it it's ironic that cap shield looks kind of like a frisbee because there are ways to throw frisbees that mirror a boomerang if you were to throw a frisbee at about a 45-degree angle up to a 90 degree angle in a slight wind coming your way as present you will get the effect that the frisbee doesn't fall straight to the ground or that it comes right back to you this is because the top of the frisbee is getting exposed to more wind and air in the bottom well in flight but as soon as it starts to fall that changes since the bottom comes up inward it creates what almost acts like a bed of air under it or a wave of air that it surfs on which creates more resistance towards gravity we just brought this full circle the wind is also pushing this frisbee and the wind is facing you you'll see that your frisbee does indeed return of course you have to make sure you throw it carefully for this to happen the first beam must remain flat otherwise you'll end up a zone that looks more like Roswell than a boomerang toss so.

 In conclusion it is possible for Captain America's shield to return to the thrower if it's thrown upwards and the wind is right and it's thrown correctly but stuff like this this and this just doesn't work out in physics I guess piety has a point a thing is not obey the laws of physics, so guys if it's helpful to you can follow me for more articles about superheros and their powers and abilities.
